> On Feb 18, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 17, 2016, at 4:46 PM, Wang Weijun <weijun.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 5:15 AM, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Can I say -providerClass <NAME> -providerArg <ARG> is equivalent to 
>>> extending java.security to add “security.provider.N=NAME ARG”?
>> Yes.
>>> I suggest to keep -providerClass and -providerArg only for legacy security 
>>> provider (i.e. not a service provider to java.security.Provider).
>>> For security providers that are converted to service provider:
>>> What about updating -provider <NAME>[:<ARG>] option such that (1) it 
>>> accepts “provider name” only (not class name) and (2) an optional argument? 
>>>  Although it’s an incompatible change, for legacy security provider, they 
>>> can still use -providerClass option.
>> Why must only "provider name”?
> Consistent with security.provider.<N> specified in java.security.
> For security providers in a named module, they must be a service provider.  
> Security providers can also be a service provider that will help migration.
> security.provider.<N> must specify the name of the security provider which is 
> used to compare with the providers loaded by ServiceLoader.  A security 
> provider can choose to use its fully-qualified classname be the provider name 
> if you like.  Provider::getName is used to match the specified name (see 
> sun.security.jca.ProviderConfig.ProviderLoader)
> If the provider is not found via service loader, i.e. 
> security.provider.<N>=<fully-qualified classname> for legacy security 
> providers in unnamed module, it will call Class.forName and newInstance to 
> construct the security provider instance.  All packages in unnamed modules 
> are exported and so Class::newInstance call will succeed (java.base can read 
> unnamed module in the implementation).

In keytool help, we will write

   -provider <providername>       Add a security provider with its name
     -providerArg <arg>           Optional argument for -provider above
   -providerClass <providerclass> Add a security provider with its class name
     -providerArg <arg>           Optional argument for -providerClass above

This is also what you are thinking about, right?

You think the implementation should strictly match the help above, and I think 
we can treat -provider and -providerClass the same and perform a 
try-name-first-try-class-second trick just like what 
sun.security.jca.ProviderConfig.ProviderLoader::load is doing.

The -providerClass was introduced in 

   To avoid confusion, the -provider option should
   be renamed to -providerClass. The -provider should still
   be supported (although not documented) for compatibility.

I still see 3 regression tests using -provider this way and I don't want to 
break them.


>> We can document this way (-providerClass for legacy and -provider for new) 
>> and still treat -providerClass and -provider the same (which is what we are 
>> doing now) internally. I cannot see any harm and it is compatible.
>> Even java.security supports both name and class now, right?
> See above.
> Mandy
>> Thanks
>> Max
>>> Mandy

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