Sorry, I mean "great", not "grate".

Yes. 'uses' and 'provides' are nothing more than static declarations that configure java.util.ServiceLoader, so all questions can be resolved by looking at the ServiceLoader spec:


On 3/16/2016 10:24 AM, Konstantin Barzilovich wrote:
Sorry, if this question was asked before.
Does service implementation need to inherit service interface?


// Ignore last mail (mail client did a surprising thing)

A 'provides' clause specifies two things: a service interface and a
service implementation. Using those terms helps to avoid confusion.

A service interface does not have to be an interface; it can be an
abstract class or even (not recommended) a concrete class.

A service implementation must not be an interface, or an abstract
class; it must be a concrete class.

Therefore, it's legal (but not recommended) for a concrete class to be
specified as both service interface and service implementation. It's
illegal for an interface (or abstract class) to be specified as both
service interface and service implementation. JCK will be writing
tests for edge cases like this.


On 3/15/2016 12:39 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
Thanks for your response Alex. If I am understanding you correctly,
"provides" is "not constrained to be an interface" because it can be "a single interface or abstract class". So shouldn't my concrete class for
"provides" be rejected by the compiler? And is it okay that both types
were identical?


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Alex Buckley <
<>> wrote:

    The first operand to 'provides' (the "service interface") is not
constrained to be an interface by "Modules in the Java Language and
    JVM". This is because the spec of j.u.ServiceLoader ("a service is
    represented by a single type, that is, a single interface or
    abstract class").

    The second operand to 'provides' (the "service implementation") is
constrained not to be an interface or an abstract class by "Modules
    in the Java Language and JVM". This is also because of the spec of
    j.u.ServiceLoader ("provider classes must have a zero-argument
    constructor so that they can be instantiated during loading").

Bear in mind that the JCK team can easily set up abstract test cases like this. What they can't do is check whether YOUR application runs
    on JDK-9-with-Jigsaw, or whether arbitrary JARs on YOUR classpath
    work as automatic modules.


    On 3/15/2016 12:07 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

        module z {
              exports z;
              provides z.Main with z.Main;

        The SOTM says "Service-provider declarations can be further
        interpreted to
ensure that providers (e.g., com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) actually do
        their declared service interfaces" (section 4, para. 8).

        I see javac checking that they are related types, but javac is
        not checking
        that "provides" is an interface type. That is what I was
        expecting based on
        the reading material.

        The other unexpected outcome was that provides/with allows the
        type. I don't know if that's intended, but please advise.

        PS: I did go through the open tickets this time (thanks Alan)
        and do not
        see any similar reports. If I missed it, I apologize; just
        trying not to
        waste your time by reporting a duplicate.



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