On 23 March 2016 at 12:51, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:
> If types T1 and T2 have the same defining loader and both types are in the
> same package then they are in the same module. T1 can't be module M1 and T2
> in a different module M2.
> (I shudder the thought of it being different or attempting to change what
> default/package access means after all these years.)

I'm not asking for package scope to change meaning. It is Jigsaw that
is trying to change its meaning wrt tests.

Discussion of white vs black box testing is all very well and good,
but its completely impractical. There are tens of thousands of
existing projects out there, in open source and private, that rely on
tests being in the same package. It is in essence a fundamental part
of common approaches to testing. Making it hard to test code in the
same package, as seems to be proposed, would be a nightmare for
migration. (Many open source projects are for fun in spare time. Who
is going to want to refactor all their tests to meet what amounts to
an artificial limitation? Not me.)

I don't particularly care what the mechanism is for this, but at the
requirements level:
- there are two modules - main and test
- each has its own source tree
- each has its own dependencies
- each is released separately
- each could be hosted on a central repo
- the test module needs to be able to contain the same packages as the
main module
- the test module needs to be able to invoke package-scoped code in
the same package in the main module

To clarify further consider 4 modules, A, B, A-test and B-test where B
depends on A. Module A-test may have a method foo() that uses package
scope to access something in A. Module B-test will depend on A-test
and rely on foo() to get access to that internal object.

One apparent option would appear to be to merge the two modules
dynamically at load time. However, they do need to be released and
published separately (Note that I view the thread discussion of
references to test classes on the classpath as another hack. The
release and dependency elements clearly show tests to be modules, just
ones with special access.)


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