On 28/07/16 23:05, Alex Buckley wrote:
> Down-thread, Alan asked for examples of the changes you've made to a 3rd
> party's descriptor, but I think you're raising "descriptor baked into a
> 3rd party jar" as a concern for modules delivered in the future rather
> than for JAR files you have on hand today. I think this because Sanne
> Grinovero spoke on 7/12 of CREATING descriptors from scratch:
> "In fact in my team we also have experience "packaging" lots of these
> OSS Java libraries into JBoss Modules, and have always appreciated that
> - as an assembler - with JBoss Modules I can define the dependencies via
> external metadata, without having to recompile or have to reassemble the
> jar. As you [meaning John Rose] suggest, it is indeed useful to be able
> to override the intent of the library authors, especially as different
> libraries are developed by independent teams / communities / companies."
> I assume the "intent of the library authors" is found in the POM, and he
> translate it to module.xml [1] with occasional tweaks to add, remove,
> and optionalize dependencies.
> Am I on track?

Yes, you are on track. The problem I was referring to relates to the
future possibility of having to integrate Jigsaw-enabled components into
middleware tools like containers, specifically to whatever management
problems this may cause. The potential for complexity is twofold. A
container like EAP may be faced with having some of the component jars
it relies on being Jigsaw-modularized. It may also need to deploy
Jigsaw-modularized application jars which need to access the
functionality it manages. In both cases the specific problem I was
concerned with was the need to add, remove or optimize dependencies that
Sanne refers to.

Sanne is probably far better able than I am to communicate what might be
problematic as regards configuratation in the sort of scenario I
referred to since he has far greater experience of using JBoss Modules
and the containers built on top of it than I have (albeit that I have
probably looked as deep or deeper into the code which implements JBoss
Modules itself). However, I am not sure that this issue stands in
complete isolation from other issues identified by David Lloyd (JBoss
Modules author and author of the page you cited describing the
moudle.xml file). David may well be in a better position to comment on that.

Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
Registered in England and Wales under Company Registration No. 03798903
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