On 02.08.2016 14:47, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
today. The vast majority of libraries porting to Java 9 will have to
export all packages because nothing else will work. In virtually no
cases, is the end-user developer going to be changing the exported
packages of the libraries they depend on.

OK, let's adjust the "reflection under failsafe defaults" example to take the "vast majority" effect into account.

Let's say that a component author is n times more likely to export the packages containing Sling and Stone than not, for example by just exporting all packages.

In that case, the headache inducing XPSling+XPStone and XPSling+XNStone cases give us 2*(n*n) combinations that might cause a headache (i.e. 2n^2).

They are balanced out by XNSling+XPStone and XNSling+XNStone cases, which give us another 2n^2 combinations that can't cause a headache.

In addition, there are 8n + 4 other combinations that can't cause a headache, such as XNSling+OPStone, etc.

From this example, I think two things are quite obvious:

a) Regardless of how high n is, the ratio of headache inducing combinations vs. the total is always going to be less than a half - i.e. the fail safe default always provides less risk than the coin toss of the permissive default, regardless of how widespread a practice of just exporting all packages to everyone would be.

c) Looking at https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(2n%5E2)%2F(4n%5E2%2B8n%2B4) , even assuming that n is as extreme as 15, you get a roughly 44% ratio of headache inducing cases - which would still be quite an improvement over the coin toss of the permissive case.

If we look at your survey in http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2016-July/008823.html, you found about 20 components that export all packages to everyone vs. about 5 that don't. That suggests n may be closer to 4 for some types of components.

In that case the ratio of headache inducing combinations ends up being a mere 32% compared to the coin toss probability of the permissive default.

I think that's quite a substantial difference.

To get any benefit from the new modular scope, existing OSS projects
will require significant backward-incompatible reworking - to take
existing public classes and methods and move them to different
packages. This is major work, and far less likely than just exporting
everything (how many years has it taken to do this in the JDK?).

I'm not sure that the JDK with its millions of lines of code developed over decades in hundreds of packages is a perfect example to guide expectations of effort necessary to benefit from modules for most components in the Java ecosystem.

For example, assuming for the sake of argument that the effort to determine and untangle dependencies and exports between packages is roughly quadratic in the number of packages, a multi-year effort for the JDK would translate to much smaller efforts for components with a much smaller number of packages to consider.

As a real world example, in your survey above around half of the components have 5 packages or less.

IMO, we need to get existing OSS libraries migrated to modules ASAP to
maintain the ecosystem, which requires the migration to be really

Yes, a general migratory movement would be great! Of course, many component developers may want to continue to support JDK 8, so for example http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/238 is important in this context, as well.

Outside of individual organizations, it might be quite hard for everyone everywhere to migrate at the same time though, so ways for modularized and non-modularized components to safely coexist are important in order to allow such migrations to take place at the pace their users and developers are comfortable with.

For some of the ways the proposed module system design works hard behind the scenes to support that approach, please see http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/sotms/#compatibility--migration .

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