Tests in jdk, hotspot, langtools, jaxp and nashorn repos have been converted to 
use the new options when this fix was pushed.

Any test changes in jdk9/client or jdk9/hs that are not yet in jdk9/dev would 
require changes.


> On Aug 11, 2016, at 7:47 AM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline 
> <alexandre.il...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi, Mandy.
> Could you help to identify what tests in the JTreg suite(s) require more work 
> to switch to the new options?
> Or the other way around: which tests have been fixed with this commit?
> Thank you.
>> On Aug 5, 2016, at 1:11 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> This patch renames the module-system options to GNU-style as specified
>> in JEP 293 [1] (see below for the new proposed option names).  This
>> addresses the problems discussed in [2] that the launcher will pass 
>> the module-system options down to the VM in the form of <option>=<value>.
>> This provides a consistent way to configure the module system and
>> simplify use of module-system options by custom launcher.  This patch
>> also updates several JDK tools including jlink, jmod, jimage, jar,
>> javac, javap, javadoc, javah, jdeps such that the GNU-style 
>> module-system options are consistent across all tools.
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchung/jdk9/webrevs/8136930/gnu-options/webrev.00/
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mchung/jdk9/webrevs/8136930/gnu-options/webrev-langtools.00/
>> Harold has posted a separate code review for the hotspot change [3].
>> webrev.00 includes changes in all repos except hotspot.  webrev-langtools.00
>> includes the changes in langtools repo (this may be convenient for
>> those who wants to review langtools change only).
>> Note that existing -cp and -classpath have no change and continue to
>> be supported.  New long form option `--class-path` and `--help` are 
>> added to java, javac, and other tools where applicable.
>> For transition, all old options except -listmods continue to be 
>> supported by the java launcher, javac, javadoc, javap, javah.  
>> I propose to remove the old options in two weeks after this patch
>> is promoted (i.e. two promoted builds to go through the transition).
>> Mandy
>> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/293
>> [2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2016-June/008079.html
>> [3] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2016-July/008715.html
>> Existing Options                    New Options
>> -addmods                            --add-modules
>> -classpath | -cp | --classpath      -classpath | -cp | --class-path
>> -limitmods                          --limit-modules
>> -listmods                           --list-modules
>> -m                                  --module | -m
>> -modulepath | -mp | --modulepath    --module-path | -p
>> -modulesourcepath                   --module-source-path
>> --plugin-module-path                (no change)
>> -processormodulepath                --processor-module-path
>> -upgrademodulepath                  --upgrade-module-path
>> -XaddExports                        --add-exports
>> -XaddReads                          --add-reads
>> -Xpatch                             --patch-module
>> -bootclasspath                      --boot-class-path | -bootclasspath
>> -processorpath                      --processor-path  | -processor-path
>> -sourcepath                         --source-path | -sourcepath
>> -system                             --system
>> -release                            --release

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