The parts of this which I know about (the client licenses) look fine to me.
Some day we should look at whether we still have vestiges of X11
in the Mac code from the BSD port but for now its safer to assume there are .. By this I mean "unix" includes Mac. as a core OS, but not as a desktop technology
for our port.


On 12/7/16, 1:28 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
This proposes to organize license files by module in source, JMOD,
and run-time image.

A summary of the proposal:
1. Organize third party notices by module in the source as follows:

The `legal` directory contains one file for each third party
library in the module, for example,

The proposed template for this file is described in [1] and JEP 201
will be updated to reflect this proposed source layout.

2. Introduce a new LEGAL_NOTICES section in JMOD format. A new jmod
    option `—-legal-notices` is added to package legal notices in
    a JMOD file.

3. At jlink time, jlink will copy all legal notices from JMOD files
    to the `legal` directory in the run-time image.  A plugin is
    added to de-duplicate the legal notices if the filename and the
    content matches that may reduce the image footprint.

4. THIRD_PARTY_README in the top-level directory of each repo is removed.
    Manual edit to this file, multiple copies is no longer needed.

Webrev at:


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