> On May 17, 2017, at 3:08 AM, Andrew Dinn <ad...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 16/05/17 19:11, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
> <ad cohortem hominum snipped (pardon my French)>
>> If we really cannot actually keep from breaking 90% of existing Java
>> in the market place when this new JDK release goes out, how valuable
>> is JigSaw really?
> citation needed?

This is going to seem like more ranting, but alas, I am mentally worn out by 
Jigsaw and the devolution of Java that it reinforces by continuing to only 
worry about a limited set of Server application environments with the Jigsaw 
team apparently, completely ignorant of the vast application environments where 
Java has been deployed, including clickable jar files.

I understand that you might feel this is an excessive rant.  But, practically I 
know of Java applications around the world which all use things like Spring.  I 
know of many others which are using reflection and all kinds of 
.setAccessible() behaviors to manage “serialization” and other tasks for 
foreign classes.  As someone who doesn’t use Java-EE or any other “well used” 
platform, but rather uses many things I created myself well before those things 
existed, I suspect that I will find breakage in my larger apps simply because 
of setAccessible() which I use for introspection in tools (via Introspector 
etc.) and other things (like serialization).

Maven seems to be something that the Jigsaw team had no real knowledge about.  
It just suddenly introduced a flurry of conversation on the list as something 
that was unimportant for modularization and jar reference issues.   Another 
pointer to the lack of foresight the Jigsaw team seemed to have into the 
realities of how Java is actually used around the world.

I have not tried JDK-9 on any of my applications primarily because I have zero 
spare work cycles to do that at this point.  This list content and the general 
visible attitude of the team towards backwards compatibility tell me that 1) I 
will have problems, 2) I could mention them here, but little will happen to 
make my investigation create less work in the future for me.

So, I consider that JDK-9 GA will in fact be a platform departure moment for 
me.  I will be looking at Swift and/or Go and just moving on.  My experience 
with Java started out great.  I had a lot of good experiences at JavaOne, and 
enjoyed getting to be a part of the Sun developers advisory council for the 
first few years.  Then I learned that there were about 3 people at Sun who only 
cared about Java as a platform for selling more Sun servers, and the 
recommendations of the SDAC, to Sun seemed to fall on deaf ears.  James Gosling 
told us he could feel our pain and didn’t really know how to help us, help Sun 
make better choices.

So, now here we are into the Oracle legacy.  Two of the same 3 people seem to 
still be around (Jonathan fired one a while back at Sun) making huge influence 
and still feeling like a wreaking ball, destroying much opportunity for Java to 
actually unify the software development world.

If it wasn’t clear enough based on the continued development of more 
(procedural, object oriented) programming languages around the world, Java is 
way off course to ever be a general solution to software development.  The 
server environment is like 2% of the space Java could succeed in.  The Java 
Card market is a fixed space which should of evolved to include things like 
what Apple Pay does.  Yet chip cards in the US are floundering because the 
technology is so slow to boot and run.  Now, credit card transactions are 4-5x 
slower than they used to be.

JavaFX wasn’t much of a concern here on the list for some time.  There was no 
conversation about anything regarding compatibility.  It’s supposed to be a big 
part of the evolution of the desktop environment, and you’d think that Oracle 
employees would be working together, across the company.  It’s that kind of 
neglect of the “impact” on the platform which makes me feel like everything 
about JigSaw is a closed room idea which got a lot of work by a small group, 
and now with the level of investment made, anything that’s voiced as negative 
about what’s been done, is just viewed as a whinny rant instead of as something 
valuable for the team to learn about.  There are literally, I would bet, 10,000 
more things to learn about Jigsaw breaking/impacting that have zero value to 
the community, but will make the Jigsaw team feel strong and empowered because 
they are “making evolution of the platform possible”.

At the beginning it was mostly those 3 people…Now I am not sure that its worth 
worrying about who is responsible as much as it will be to figure out the 
fastest way out…

I still marvel at the sheer magnitude of rework that Jigsaw is imposing on the 
world at large, and what small, literally unimportant impact that it will have 
after that rework occurs.


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