Hi Sundar,

thanks for picking this up so quick!

On 2017-12-07 16:21, Sundararajan Athijegannathan wrote:
Updated: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sundar/8192986/webrev.01/

Looks ok, butunless my understanding is flawed it seems the logic is now getting more strict about a directory on the module path containing a well-formed module. Should this be made more graceful, say ignore empty directories? Maybe just warn about malformed and/or missing modules?


JlinkTask: resolves module-info.class twice (resolve once and pass as parameter?)


  58         if (helper == null) {
  59             System.err.println("Test not run");
  60             return;
  61         }

Should this fail the test (by throwing an exception)?

  66         // rename the module containing directory
  67         Path renamedModDir = modDir.resolveSibling("modified_mod8192986");
  68         // copy the content from original directory to modified name 
  69         copyDir(modDir, renamedModDir);

Any reason not to use Files.move(modDir, 
renamedModDir|,StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING|) instead of copying here?



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