To avoid any problems with JMeter's release, I plan on sending the PMC a
message that JMeter is releasing.  As such, I want to have a formal vote
for release this weekend. I know several of you have already sent your
informal +1's, but I forgot to gather the evidence, sorry.

+1 for release from me


On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 09:54, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

> Note that this would have been a non issue if a note had been sent to 
> the PMC to the order of :
> PMC,
> We've voted to release $version of $project.
> Signed
> $pmc_member_that_is_committer_of_project
> :)
> geir
Michael Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Software Foundation

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