On 17/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, have created enhancement bug 46030 and attached source to it.

Thanks, I'll have a look later.

>  In relation to the ICLA/CCLA, does this qualify the individual/company to be 
> listed as a contributor to the project and should we send in both or can we 
> just send in a CCLA?

The ICLA/CCLA don't have any bearing on whether or not a contributor is listed.
[The JMeter contributor list is on the Wiki, so people can add themselves.]

The ASF requires the ICLA which is signed by the author of the code.

The CCLA is optional, and depends on whether you think you need one.

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 October 2008 11:50
>  To: JMeter Developers List
> Subject: Re: FW: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed binary
>  data
>  On 15/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hello again,
>  >
>  >  Have implemented the following:
>  >
>  >  BinaryTCPClientImpl
>  >  Concrete class which implements TCPClient Interface and converts 
> hex-encoded strings to byte array in
>  >  write(OutputStream, String) and from byte array to hex-encoded string in 
> read(InputStream).
>  >  write(OutputStream, InputStream) is unsupported.
>  >  Contains utility method hexStringToByteArray(String s) which is a mirror 
> of the JOrphanUtils.baToHexString(byte[]) method.
>  >
>  >  TCPClientDecorator
>  >  Abstract class implementing TCPClient Interface. This is to allow 
> wrapping of TCPClientImpl/BinaryTCPClientImpl above with length prefixing 
> methods.
>  >  Contains two utility methods intToByteArray(int value, int len) and 
> byteArrayToInt(byte[] b).  Methods support 2 and 4 and byte lengths only and 
> throw an IllegalArgumentException in other cases.
>  >
>  >  LengthPrefixedBinaryTCPClientImpl
>  >  Extends TCPClientDecorator and instantiates decorator with 
> BinaryTCPClientImpl.
>  >  The length to use in the prefix is taken from the properties file and 
> defaults to 2.
>  >  For write(OutputStream os, String s) the length is calculated and written 
> to the output stream then the method delegates to the BinaryTCPClientImpl 
> write() method.
>  >  read(InputStream is) is overridden.
>  >  write(OutputStream os, InputStream is) is not supported.
>  >
>  >  Have created JUnit tests for the three utility methods but not for the 
> read/write implementations themselves.  These are in two test classes, 
> BinaryTCPClientImplTest and TCPClientDecoratorTest.
>  >
>  >  Have left the utility methods bundled with the client implementations to 
> avoid modifying existing utility classes.
>  >
>  >  Have not changed the Sampler GUI as we might end up with some broken test 
> cases when this is changed in the repository.  We will change the properites 
> file as needed for now.
>  >
>  >  Hopefully this will be useful and we are happy for the code structure to 
> be modified if it does not turn out to be a good fit with changes to the 
> TCPClient interface discussed earlier.
>  All sounds good.
>  >  What should we do next in terms of submitting this code for inclusion in 
> a future release?
>  Create a Bugzilla enhancement issue, and attach the files/patches to that.
>  Please make sure any new source files have the usual Apache Licence header.
>  As the code contributions are quite substantial, it would be helpful
>  if the contributor(s) could sign ICLAs.  You may also want to provide
>  a CCLA from the company.
>  For details, please see:
>  http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
>  >  Thanks,
>  Thank you!
>  > Oghie.
>  >
>  >
>  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  From: Oghie Sheehy
>  >  Sent: 13 October 2008 08:53
>  >  To: 'JMeter Developers List'
>  >  Cc: Mike Cronin
>  >
>  > Subject: RE: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed binary
>  >  data
>  >
>  >
>  >  > Yes, I can do the updates to the TCPSampler.
>  >
>  >  > I think you can still test your code using the current JMeter, so long
>  >  > as you use the old TCPClient interface methods. Converting to the new
>  >  > interface could be done later when the TCP Sampler is updated. Should
>  >  > be fairly trivial - I'm happy to do that.
>  >
>  >  Thanks, will use existing interface.
>  >
>  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  Sent: 10 October 2008 16:27
>  >  To: JMeter Developers List
>  >  Cc: Mike Cronin
>  >  Subject: Re: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed binary
>  >  data
>  >
>  >
>  >  On 10/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  > > Yes, but the character set is largely irrelevant, as the hex
>  >  >  > characters are the same in most (all?) sets.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > > I was assuming that the hex-encoded binary string would be converted
>  >  >  > to binary in the client. This does not really need a variable 
> encoding
>  >  >  > as hex characters are the same in all main character sets, but for
>  >  >  > portability the client could use a fixed set, e.g. 8859-1 or utf-8.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  > Likewise for the binary->hex conversion. The client could convert
>  >  >  > binary nibbles to character string and then to bytes, but since we
>  >  >  > know the conversion for these they could be converted direct to 
> bytes.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  > The character set used to display the response would not matter in 
> this case.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Thanks, needed to be sure we were talking about the same thing and 
> wondered whether hex representation was different according to character set.
>  >  >
>  >  >  So guess I'm back to what we agreed a few days ago...
>  >  >
>  >  >  Will create client(s) to support hex-binary encoding and length prefix 
> (length of prefix specified in properties for now).  Will create a local 
> version of the TCPClient Interface which you outlined earlier and implement 
> this interface.
>  >  >
>  >
>  >  OK.
>  >
>  >  >  Locally the client will be selectable from the TCP Sampler GUI as you 
> originally suggested.  We need this flexibility across TCP test plans where 
> the same user would wish to run the TCPClientImpl in some and the new client 
> in another without having to change the properties file in-between.
>  >
>  >  Yes, I can do the updates to the TCPSampler.
>  >
>  >  I think you can still test your code using the current JMeter, so long
>  >  as you use the old TCPClient interface methods. Converting to the new
>  >  interface could be done later when the TCP Sampler is updated. Should
>  >  be fairly trivial - I'm happy to do that.
>  >
>  >  >  Can retrofit later if you think we should have a separate 
> TCPSampler/GUI.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  > I suppose the question is: are there any protocols where it would be
>  >  >  > difficult/wasteful to return bytes rather than a String?
>  >  >
>  >  >  > If so, then perhaps the SampleResult class needs to be enhanced to
>  >  >  > handle results returned as Strings as well as byte arrays. I'm not
>  >  >  > sure how easy that would be.
>  >  >
>  >  >  > There would also need to be a way to tell the TCP sampler that the
>  >  >  > client returns a String rather than a byte array - assuming we change
>  >  >  > the read() method.
>  >  >
>  >  >  > I need to think some more about this !
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Could not come up with a realistic example.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  >  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  >
>  >  > Sent: 10 October 2008 11:37
>  >  >  To: JMeter Developers List
>  >  >  Subject: Re: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed binary
>  >  >  data
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  On 10/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  >  > > WDYT?
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Overall I think this is a good idea because, if my understanding is 
> correct, it allows the sampler->client->sampler->listener to use distinct 
> character encodings.  Also it puts the encoding logic in the endpoints where 
> it is needed rather than cluttering up the sampler.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I am a little confused in relation to the encoding/decoding of the 
> hex-encoded binary because there is a double-encoding here as the string 
> containing the hex-encoded binary is itself encoded in a character set.
>  >  >
>  >  >  Yes, but the character set is largely irrelevant, as the hex
>  >  >  characters are the same in most (all?) sets.
>  >  >
>  >  >  >  byte array->hex-encoded binary string->byte array->character set 
> encoded string
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  On receiving a response the byte array would need to be converted 
> to a hex-encoded binary string (in the default character set) then back to a 
> byte array (using String.getBytes()) then finally into the target character 
> set.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I think that you meant the byte array->hex-encoded binary 
> string->byte array conversion to occur within the client and the character 
> set encoding to occur within the listener, is this correct?
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  I was assuming that the hex-encoded binary string would be converted
>  >  >  to binary in the client. This does not really need a variable encoding
>  >  >  as hex characters are the same in all main character sets, but for
>  >  >  portability the client could use a fixed set, e.g. 8859-1 or utf-8.
>  >  >
>  >  >  Likewise for the binary->hex conversion. The client could convert
>  >  >  binary nibbles to character string and then to bytes, but since we
>  >  >  know the conversion for these they could be converted direct to bytes.
>  >  >
>  >  >  The character set used to display the response would not matter in 
> this case.
>  >  >
>  >  >  I suppose the question is: are there any protocols where it would be
>  >  >  difficult/wasteful to return bytes rather than a String?
>  >  >
>  >  >  If so, then perhaps the SampleResult class needs to be enhanced to
>  >  >  handle results returned as Strings as well as byte arrays. I'm not
>  >  >  sure how easy that would be.
>  >  >
>  >  >  There would also need to be a way to tell the TCP sampler that the
>  >  >  client returns a String rather than a byte array - assuming we change
>  >  >  the read() method.
>  >  >
>  >  >  I need to think some more about this !
>  >  >
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  >  >  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  > Sent: 09 October 2008 13:34
>  >  >  >  To: JMeter Developers List
>  >  >  >  Subject: Re: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed binary
>  >  >  >  data
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  On 09/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  >  >  > > Yes.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  > I'm still considering how to fix up the read() method. 
> Probably I'll
>  >  >  >  >  > add a readBytes() method and maybe add an abstract class that
>  >  >  >  >  > implements it.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  > The problem is that the sampler has to convert the string to 
> bytes in
>  >  >  >  >  > order to store it in the sample result. Wire protocols work in 
> terms
>  >  >  >  >  > of bytes, so this means multiple conversions, with the 
> possibility of
>  >  >  >  >  > data loss if some bytes are not both-ways convertible.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  > Am with you now, had thought that strings were stored in the 
> sample result but of course they're not.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Like the idea of adding the readBytes() method and allowing the 
> sampler to convert the bytes as appropriate because the responsibility of the 
> client should be to handle the byte exchange alone.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Rather than adding the abstract class could the byte[] 
> implementation replace the string read() method in the sampler and drop the 
> byte [] straight into the sampler result?  This would affect existing 
> testplans which are working because of the inherent data conversion and there 
> may not be too many of these?
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes, that's possible. In either case existing implementations would
>  >  >  >  need to be amended and rebuilt, so I suppose it does not matter 
> which
>  >  >  >  is done.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  It would be possible to extend the TCPClient interface to add a
>  >  >  >  readBytes() method, and have TCPSampler use instanceof to choose 
> which
>  >  >  >  method to use. This would allow old implementations to continue, but
>  >  >  >  would be less efficient - and we want implementations to return 
> bytes.
>  >  >  >  So I think it would be OK to break compatibility.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Also think that a writeBytes() method is needed.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I see what you mean - the client implementation currently has to
>  >  >  >  convert the string into bytes, and the sampler has no control over 
> the
>  >  >  >  encoding that is used.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I think it's unlikely that there are many 3rd party implementations
>  >  >  >  (if any) so perhaps the string method should be removed.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  We need the input/output encodings to be specified on the sampler 
>  >  >  >  (they can default to the current setting, for backward compat.)
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  > Sorry, should have explained in more detail: I was thinking 
> that setup
>  >  >  >  >  > parameters could be used to configure the protocol 
> implementation.
>  >  >  >  >  > This could be useful for minor variants on the protocol - e.g. 
> 4byte
>  >  >  >  >  > length prefix, and variable length strings.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  > Yes this would make sense.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  ******
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Revisiting the length-prefixed binary extension based on the 
> multiple conversion point raised above, apologies for repetition and stating 
> the obvious here but just need to work through it...
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Good idea.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  A client extension is required to handle length prefix 
> regardless of whether byte[] or string is returned.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  The client needs to know how many bytes contain the length and 
> how to interpret these bytes.  This would pollute the client/sampler 
> relationship because the client needs to know about the structure of the byte 
> stream.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I was suggesting that the sampler deals only in the data without 
> prefixes.
>  >  >  >  The client needs to know how to add/remove the length prefix.
>  >  >  >  The prefix length is either fixed in the client, or the sampler can
>  >  >  >  pass in a parameter which tells it what particular protocol 
> variation
>  >  >  >  is to be used.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  The sampler is interested in the user data, the client looks after 
> the
>  >  >  >  packaging.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  It seems reasonable that a service could use a 2 or 4-byte 
> binary length while the message payload would contain character data so a 
> client and sampler would not necessarily interpret bytes in the same way.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  It also seems reasonable that a length prefix should always 
> specify the no. of bytes to read (as this is a wire-level field) rather than 
> characters.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  So the client should not be concerned about the character set of 
> the data but only by the size and interpretation of the length prefix.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  This will only be true if the input is bytes or a stream.
>  >  >  >  I now think the client show know the encoding (see below).
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  The sampler needs to know how to represent the data in a 
> human-readable form while not losing any information due to conversion.  
> Therefore it needs to know whether the data is binary/character set.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I think that depends on how you look at the protocol. In your 
> original
>  >  >  >  case, you would like JMeter to hande hex-encoded binary. You could
>  >  >  >  regard the conversion between hex and binary as part of the 
> protocol,
>  >  >  >  and therefore handled by the client.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I'm not keen on putting too much processing in the sampler. The idea
>  >  >  >  is that JMeter users can develop their own implementations in order 
> to
>  >  >  >  handle any special processing, and this can be provided in an add-on
>  >  >  >  jar. It's a lot harder for a user to make changes to the sampler.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I'm hoping that we can come up with more generic sampler which 
> allows
>  >  >  >  client implementations to do what they need to do.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  I'm now beginning to think that the client should still be passed 
> the
>  >  >  >  string from the GUI, but that it also needs the encoding - which it
>  >  >  >  may ignore. This makes it more flexible for clients that need to
>  >  >  >  process the string before transmission.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Lastly I think it would be justifiable and from a 
> user-perspective preferable to hide the length prefix from sampler input and 
> results.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes, see above.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  To achieve this I now think that the following changes should be 
> made:
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Client:
>  >  >  >  >  Either a single new client TCPLengthPrefixedClientImpl which 
> takes length prefix length and length prefix format binary/character set as 
> constructor/setter arguments.  For this to be flexible these need to provided 
> through the Sampler GUI.
>  >  >  >  >  OR multiple new clients BinaryTCPLengthPrefixedClientImpl, 
> DecimalTCPLengthPrefixedClientImpl etc. which take the length prefix length 
> as a constructor.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Client(s) would implement/override writeBytes(byte[]) method and 
> generate the length prefix appropriately based on the size of the byte array.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes, that's what I was thinking.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Client(s) would override readBytes() method and interpret the 
> length bytes from the stream, these would not be passed back to the sampler.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Yes.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  The reason for adding/stripping length bytes is so that the 
> sampler does not have to understand these.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Agreed.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Sampler GUI:
>  >  >  >  >  From above GUI needs to specify
>  >  >  >  >  a) Length prefix length
>  >  >  >  >  b) Length prefix format OR ClientImpl as above
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  No, I think these are part of the client implementation, see above.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  In addition the GUI needs to specify
>  >  >  >  >  c) Data format
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Again, I think this is best dealt with by the client implementation.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Sampler:
>  >  >  >  >  The sampler needs to convert the input text string into a byte[] 
> for transmission and a
>  >  >  >  byte[] into a text string (e.g. to hex string for binary/to local
>  >  >  >  character set for character set).  This then goes back into the
>  >  >  >  sampler result using the getBytes() method as before.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Not quite.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Originally I thought the sampler should convert the GUI data to 
> bytes
>  >  >  >  using the specified encoding. I now think the sampler should pass in
>  >  >  >  the string and the encoding, as this is more flexible.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  On return, it copies the bytes to the sample result, and sets the
>  >  >  >  appropriate encoding - there is no conversion at that point. The
>  >  >  >  response is only converted to a string when it is extracted from the
>  >  >  >  sample result, e.g. by the Tree View Listener.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  The only issue I can see here is: how does the sampler know what
>  >  >  >  encoding to use for the response? This can be specified on the GUI 
> (or
>  >  >  >  we can assume it is the same as the request encoding). If there is
>  >  >  >  likely to be a possibility that the encoding is defined in the
>  >  >  >  response message (for example, this is how HTTP responses work), 
> then
>  >  >  >  I think it makes sense for the client to extract this information, 
> and
>  >  >  >  pass it back to the sampler somehow.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  We could add a getEncoding() method to the interface, but it might 
> be
>  >  >  >  better to use a generic Object getParameter(String name) to the
>  >  >  >  interface, in case it is later found that there are other items that
>  >  >  >  need to be retrieved. The sampler would need to be updated, but
>  >  >  >  existing clients would not need to be updated.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  In summary, I think the TCPClient interface should probably be 
> amended
>  >  >  >  as follows:
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  void write(OutputStream os, String s, String encoding);
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  The
>  >  >  >     void write(OutputStream os, InputStream is);
>  >  >  >  method probably does not need the encoding.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  void setParameter(String name, Object value);
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  Object getParameter(String name);
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  There would be an abstract class that provides a dummy 
> implementation
>  >  >  >  for the get/set Parameter methods.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  WDYT?
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  ******
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  >  >  >  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  > Sent: 08 October 2008 16:57
>  >  >  >  >  To: JMeter Developers List
>  >  >  >  >  Cc: Mike Cronin
>  >  >  >  >  Subject: Re: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed 
> binary
>  >  >  >  >  data
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  On 08/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  >  >  >  > Thanks, would be happy to adopt the suggested approach and 
> delegate the protocol-specific conversion to a new TCPClient implementation 
> with selection from the TCPSampler GUI to support test plans using more than 
> one.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  This would leave the TCPClient Interface read()/write() 
> method signatures unchanged as strings would be passed in and out.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Yes.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  I'm still considering how to fix up the read() method. Probably 
> I'll
>  >  >  >  >  add a readBytes() method and maybe add an abstract class that
>  >  >  >  >  implements it.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  The problem is that the sampler has to convert the string to 
> bytes in
>  >  >  >  >  order to store it in the sample result. Wire protocols work in 
> terms
>  >  >  >  >  of bytes, so this means multiple conversions, with the 
> possibility of
>  >  >  >  >  data loss if some bytes are not both-ways convertible.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  Not sure whether setup parameters would be necessary given 
> this approach as TCPClient Implementation would be specific to 
> protocol/character set in use?
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  Sorry, should have explained in more detail: I was thinking that 
> setup
>  >  >  >  >  parameters could be used to configure the protocol 
> implementation.
>  >  >  >  >  This could be useful for minor variants on the protocol - e.g. 
> 4byte
>  >  >  >  >  length prefix, and variable length strings.
>  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  -----Original Message-----
>  >  >  >  >  >  From: sebb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  >  >  >  >  Sent: 08 October 2008 13:04
>  >  >  >  >  >  To: JMeter Developers List
>  >  >  >  >  >  Cc: Mike Cronin
>  >  >  >  >  >  Subject: Re: TCP Sampler Extension to support length-prefixed 
> binary
>  >  >  >  >  >  data
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  On 08/10/2008, Oghie Sheehy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  >  >  >  >  > Hello,
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  We have a requirement to test a TCP service which expects 
> requests in length-prefixed binary form and responds with data structured in 
> the same way.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  Is this a proprietary service, or are there several such 
> services?
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  We have experimentally extended the TCP sampler code to 
> support this by adding a "Length Prefixed Binary Data" option to the GUI.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  With this option checked:
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  a) The TCPSampler sample() method treats the input request 
> text as a hexadecimal string and converts it to a byte array.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  Conversely it reads a byte array and converts it to a 
> hexadecimal string.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  b) The TCPClient has been extended to support the 
> following new methods:
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  void write(OutputStream os, byte[] b);
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  byte [] readLengthPrefixed(InputStream is);
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  The readLengthPrefixed method expects the first 2 bytes 
> from the stream to contain the length (binary) of data to follow and reads 
> this number of subsequent bytes returning a byte array containing both the 
> length and data bytes.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  e.g.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  Request/Response String: 
> "002d482d2d2d3e454e414320544350495020484541525420424541543c2d2d2d5443504449414c2056312e30312020"
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  Input/Output Byte Array: [0x00,0x2d, 0x48, ......, 0x20]
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  This is a simple but limited approach, it does not permit 
> the transmission of non-length prefixed binary data nor does it support 
> length prefixed character data.  Finally as it is implemented the length 
> prefix must be input as two byte binary (input as hexadecimal string) rather 
> than being calculated or input as character decimal.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  There are options to make the solution more flexible but 
> before spending time on these we would like to know whether the minimal 
> approach taken above would be considered for inclusion in a future JMeter 
> release?
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  It sounds fairly straightforward, and would not affect 
> existing test plans.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  I'm just wondering if it might be cleaner to add the 
> functionality as
>  >  >  >  >  >  a new TCPClient implementation?
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  At present the TCPSampler only supports a single 
> implementation that
>  >  >  >  >  >  is defined via a property, but it could be enhanced to fetch 
> the name
>  >  >  >  >  >  from the GUI to support test plans which require more than one
>  >  >  >  >  >  implementation.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  It might be necessary to extend the TCPClient interface to 
> support
>  >  >  >  >  >  some kind of setup method to allow parameters to be passed 
> in; these
>  >  >  >  >  >  would need to be added to the TCP Sample GUI.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  The advantage of this approach would be that there should be 
> no need
>  >  >  >  >  >  to change the TCP Sampler further in order to accommodate new
>  >  >  >  >  >  protocols.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  I have just realised that the TCPClient interface read() 
> method was
>  >  >  >  >  >  badly designed; it should have returned a byte array. At 
> present both
>  >  >  >  >  >  the client and the sampler have to do String<>byte 
> conversions - and
>  >  >  >  >  >  there is no provision for specifying the character set to be 
> used.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  However, that does not affect your current requirements.
>  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  Thanks,
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  Oghie.
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >
>  >  >  >  >  >  >  
> **********************************************************************
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>  >  >  >  >  >  >  FEXCO Dynamic Currency Conversion Limited, registered in 
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