It is sorta turned off right now. If you start the session with HTTPS then it kicks 
in, otherwise it is not an issue. Fine with me at the moment since that is a whole 
other can of worms (See my posting on HTTPS crapping out while attempting generate a 
Secure Random Seed) :-)  I suspect I have sone configuration issues to deal with 
there. In the meantime, If I can just get through the load tests on staging, and 
publish my baseline results tonight or tomorrow then I can avoid being beheaded by my 
  "Shvartsburd, Feliks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I forgot to mention, it 
looks like you don't use HTTPS???

-----Original Message-----
From: david garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 6:02 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; JMeter Users List; Tanya Powell
Subject: Re: Parameter mask Usage. . .

Actually, the proxy server was the only way I was able to get this far. Sifting 
through all the HTML and javascript by hand would have been a bit of a pain. So here 
is the output from the jmeter console: 

D:\JMeter\jakarta-jmeter_5\bin>for %i in ("..\lib\*.jar") do CALL ..\lcp.bat %i 

D:\JMeter\jakarta-jmeter_5\bin>CALL ..\lcp.bat ..\lib\ant-1.4.1.jar
log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category 

log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Sampling url:

Sampling url:* 

# All the SM and sm stuff is due to "SiteMinder authentication" 


# I thought the ".*" would get expanded after the above request. I wonder why it 

Sampling url: 

Sampling url:* 

Sampling url: 

As far as the test plan I took tanya's suggestion and it now looks like this (See 
Figure 1-4) attached. All this console output actually looks like it is moving in the 
right direction. The problem is that the only page that is in the Result Tree is "/", 
The login page. This suggests that The user never really gets logged in!! Otherwise, I 
would expect to see the preference page in my result tree. . . 


Mike Stover wrote: 

You've got the right idea with your test plan here. You say the first one 
works, but the second one does not? It would be informative to see exactly 
what JMeter does send for each of these requests. 

JMeter tries to find a match on the current page for the next request when 
you use the link parser. So, if your HTTP Request doesn't match up with a 
form or a link tag, JMeter will just send the request through unmodified. I 
highly recommend using the proxy server to record your actions so you can be 
sure exactly what should be in your HTTP Request.


On Tuesday 23 April 2002 07:43 pm, david garcia wrote:
> I was going to use it to change the email address on each request 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] . . [EMAIL PROTECTED] which from what I can gather it
> seems like exactly what it is supposed to do, however I wasn't sure. My
> biggest problem is a frustration similar to yours. I am trying to parse
> contents from one request and use the parsed data in another. My request
> when sent looks like:
> but gets rewritten to look like this:
> Sampling url:
> -3c910fef-c08c-0089-0000-207f0000207f&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&TARGET=http://sm
>.clientsite. com/member/OwnersLogin
> What is the best way to deal with this. Does that mean you put a link
> parser before every request or will one link parser work for all subsequent
> HTTP requests? My simple Test plan is shown below: ThreadGroup
> |-HTTP Defaults
> |-Cookie Manager
> |-Http Request to /
> + --------+ Modification Manager
> +----Link Parser
> |----HTTP Request To Login -This one gets the parsed Values and
> | has params GUID, TYPE, RELMOID, SMAUTHREASON, etc set to ".*"
> | ----HTTP Request To view preferences - Is this one supposed
> | to get the parsed values too right now it isn't even when I
> | put a parser right before it??? BTW It has all the
> Yet when I run it I never even get to the View preferences page even though
> It successfully requests the "/" and "login" page. There is no error it
> just never executes the request to view preferences. A look at the View
> Results graph will show only the login page, never the preferences page.
> Tanya Powell wrote: Hi David,
> in my case, it didn't do anything. And honestly, I didn't understand fully
> what it does and I can't get it back in to any test script so I can't even
> look at it. :-)
> The Parameter Mask does not handle responses, so I guess it modifies
> requests as in loops etc. but that's opnly a guess.
> Have you got a Parameter Mask in your Test? If your interested: how did you
> get it there?
> Tanya
> Am Tuesday 23 April 2002 22:23 schriebst Du:
> > Congratulations on getting that working. I still don't understand what
> > the parameter mask does though, and the documentation for it makes no
> > sense to me. What do you use it for?
> >
> > -David-
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more


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