I'm trying to load-test my web application. I am using a thread group
with 100 threads, ramp-up: 0secs, repeat: 10. When I ran this test the
GUI becomes non-responsive and the CPU and memory usage go to 100%
utilization. This is on a 1.2GHz CPU with 378MB (with less then 200MB
used with normal apps opened). 

Using top I get:
12633 grom      20   0  147M 147M 16188 R    79.7 39.1   2:11 java
13544 root      14   0  1220 1220   816 R    11.9  0.3   0:02 top
 2451 grom       9   0  7224 6104  4172 S     1.8  1.5   1:06
 1425 root       6 -10  281M  20M  7912 S <   1.3  5.3   7:30 X
12639 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.4 39.1   0:03 java
13432 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.3 39.1   0:00 java
13460 grom       9   0  148M 148M 16188 S     0.3 39.2   0:00 java
13481 grom       9   0  148M 148M 16188 S     0.3 39.2   0:00 java
13213 apache     9   0  4736 4736  4520 S     0.1  1.2   0:00 httpd
13216 apache     9   0  4736 4736  4520 S     0.1  1.2   0:00 httpd
13227 apache     9   0  4648 4648  4472 S     0.1  1.2   0:00 httpd
13248 apache     9   0  4736 4736  4520 S     0.1  1.2   0:00 httpd
13414 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.1 39.1   0:00 java
13417 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.1 39.1   0:00 java
13419 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.1 39.1   0:00 java
13421 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.1 39.1   0:00 java
13423 grom       9   0  147M 147M 16188 S     0.1 39.1   0:00 java

I added "-Xmx256m -Xss2m" options to the jmeter startup script. But I
had similar results before this. What is going on??? I have seen in the
archive people posting results such as "I've executed 100 threads in a
single thread group on a Dell laptop with 256M Ram and a 800Mhz
processor with no problems."

Olav Groehn posted 
Usually a PC can handle quite a big number of threads without problems
but think about some other effects that might result in wrong
measurements of server response times:

A good idea is to monitor the workload of your CPU. If it is around 100%
it might be to much meaning your CPU is overloaded and the measured
response times might be incorrect.

I also look at using distributed testing. I run rmiregistry as follows
$ export

$ rmiregistry

then in another terminal I start the jmeter-server script. Then from a
different machine I start the client, but when I try to remote start the
test plan it doesn't seem to do anything. Yet, the access logs indicate
that it was accessed. What going on here???

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