Dear Avian and JMeter Users:

This is a judgement call. I record sequences of HTTP requests with Badboy, 
including pop-up windows. After exporting the Badboy script to a JMeter test 
plan, I write assertions against all HTTP responses, including pop-up windows. 
If you want your test plan to prove that the pop-up window returned or 
displayed is the correct pop-up window, you will have to record the pop-up 
window and write an assertion against it.

If you want only to simulate the user choice on the pop-up window, you can 
figure out what the HTTP request would be for that choice and add an HTTP 
Request element to do that.

A JMeter test plan imitates the series of HTTP requests that could occur when 
using a web browser. But JMeter is not a web browser. It does not generate new 
HTTP requests based on user interaction. It only replays recorded HTTP 
requests. I try to keep this distinction in mind while developing test plans. 
This helps me. Your mileage may vary.

Other opinions?

Sincerely yours,


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