
I've been trying to use JMeter to run load tests but it seems that no 
matter what heap size I give it, it gradually uses up all memory and gets 
bogged down in garbage collects.

I am using a series of HTTP Samplers to generate roughly 50 requests a 
second (50 threads each generating 1 request a second). It will run 
smoothly enough for 5 hours or so and then it will usually begin to become 
unstable (requests taking longer and longer to complete, round trip times 
spiking for no reason, etc...).

I have tried to extend the heap size but it just seems to delay the point 
at which everything goes heywire.

Is it normal for JMeter to gradually use up all memory it has available?

The only settings I've played with in the jmeter.bat file are the heap 
size and I've tried using one of the concurrent garbage collect schemes.

Any insight anyone might have would be very much appreciated.


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