u can do that,
For eg:
Admin logs in using a page called "AdminLogin", and adds users thru a page 
called "AddUsers" and logs off thru "AdminLogOff"
User  logs in using "UserLogin" and reports thru "ReportDefectPage"
Then in ur testplan, u create a single threadgroup under it u add http request 
samplers for all these pages one after another.
As u want to add mmore than user to be created by admin , u can put that 
particular request in a LOOP controller
Then ur testplan tree might look like this

|_____Loop Controller

naveen gs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have recorded two scenarios i.e.

scenario 1.) i will login as admin and create users.
2.) i will login as user and report the details of the defect.

these are the two senarios, it will work fine in sequential order,i.e.admin 
will create n number of users at one stretch and then login as users and report 
the details of the defect.

now i need to do it parallel

i.e. i should login as admin first and create user and then logout from the 
then i should login as user and enter the details of the defect.

like this i want to work it out for n number of users.

could you pls suggest me to come out of this situation.

Thank you Very much


Naveen G.S.
Stag Software, Bangalore

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