There's no way to do it currently in JMeter.

Sounds like a job for XSLT, though it would be possible in Perl.

On 21/11/05, Bruno Charloup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i'm working on several JMeter test plans in order to produce non regression
> test plan for a web application.
> In order to validate that my scenario are always OK, i need, sometime, to
> desactivate all the response assertion included in a test plan.
> This operation can take a long time (some of my test plan include more than
> 100 assertions) : do you know is there is a methode to desactivate (and
> afterward re activate) all the assertions in the same time ?
> (i tryed to make a macro on the jmx file, opened in MS Word, but it is not
> easy to identify precisely
>              <boolProp name="TestElement.enabled">true</boolProp>
> only for
>            <ResponseAssertion>
> ).
> [I use MS Word (and VBA) because I have no knowledges on Java or XSLT ...]
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> --
> Bruno

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