OK, try again - new property as it does something different.
I kept the old property for now in case you need to play with both.

https.socket.protocols=prot1 prot2 ... protn

i.e. space separated list of protocols.
If you don't know what is supported, just use an invalid protocol and
it will log the supported ones.

This is in nightly build r519694 just uploaded.


On 18/03/07, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, I'm looking into enhancing the Socket factory code to try and fix this.

On 18/03/07, Steffen Oehme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did some testing but it doesn't work:
> https.default.protocol=SSLv3 in user.properties
> JMeter picks this up correctly (as per jmeter.log)
> The WebLogic server still gives the TLS Error Message
> Don't you need to set the actual protocol with setEnabledProtocols of
> SSLSocket? Not familar with this, but from the API it seems as if this
> is the only way to specify exactly what protocol should be used.
> The getInstance of SSLContext that you used may not exclude TLS.. At
> least the description makes me believe so:
> SSL     Supports some version of SSL; may support other versions
> SSLv2   Supports SSL version 2 or higher
> SSLv3   Supports SSL version 3; may support other versions
> TLS     Supports some version of TLS; may support other versions
> TLSv1   Supports TLS version 1; may support other versions
> sebb schrieb:
> > https.default.protocol=TLS
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