On 20/04/2009, aidy lewis <aidy.le...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I saved my Aggregate Report table to csv, but it seems that the
>  throughput figures have appeared in a different format than that
>  appearing in the JMeter GUI.

Yes, because the Listeners save raw data, not calculated data.

However, if you are using the GUI, you can use the "Save Table Data"
button to save the contents of the table, i.e. the calculated values.

>  What calculation do I need to make so I can get them back to their
>  original format of Throughput per min?

You can reload the data in the Listener, and then use Save Table.

Throughput is request/minute, so just count the requests and divide by
the overall elapsed time, i.e. end of last sample - start of first

By the way, Summary Report uses fewer resources.

>  Aidy
> --
>  blog: www.agiletester.co.uk
>  twitter: http://twitter.com/aidy_lewis
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