Hi Himanshu

Thanks for your reply . I have already tested the test plan with 100 / 500 /
1000 / 2000 users , I need to test it for 6000 users as this is what the
client requirement . 

That's why I asked sebb , how to increase the load in JMeter . Anyhow as
Sebb said I am trying to run the test plan parallely on different hosts at
the same time . 

Thanking you .
With warm regards.,

-----Original Message-----
From: Himanshu Ghai [mailto:himanshug...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:28 AM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: JDBC Connection Config

it would be recommended to run it for less number of users first to see if
your servers can handle such load..100/500/1000


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 3:37 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/05/2009, C.Vijayakumar <bcvijayaku...@altechindia.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sebb / Matt ,
>>  Am using JMeter for Load testing our Java application . I have some 
>> doubts  on using JMeter . Could you please help me to solve my doubts pls
>>  My Tuning Parameters are as follows
>>  set HEAP=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
>>  set NEW=-XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m  set 
>> SURVIVOR=-XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=50%  set 
>> TENURING=-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=2
>>  set EVACUATION=-XX:MaxLiveObjectEvacuationRatio=20%
>>  set RMIGC=-Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=600000
>>  -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=600000
>>  set PERM=-XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m  set 
>> DEBUG=-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution
>>  I have defined the Heap size as 512 - 1024  & My RAM size is 512 MB 
>> . I have  run my Test Plan using JDBC Connection configuration for 
>> 3964 concurrent  users successfully .  If I use more than 4000 Users 
>> , JMeter shows Out of  Memory error . Even if i tried running the 
>> test plan by changing the Heap  size as 256 - 1024 , 768 - 1536 & 512 
>> - 512 , there is no improvement on my  concurrent users , still am 
>> getting Out of memory error message
>>  I tried the same test plan in another system which has 1 GB RAM , But in
>>  that system,   Only 2000 concurrent users have successfully completed
and I
>>  got the same Out of Memory error .
>>  Could anyone / you please reveal me what I have to do to get proper 
>> results  for more than 5000 Concurrent users ?
> That's a lot of users. Are you sure you need to test with so many?
> Remember that JMeter can put a lot more load on a server than a real 
> user, unless you include appropriate wait times.
> If you really need to test with that many users, then use non-GUI 
> mode, and run the same test in parallel on several different hosts, 
> then combine the results.
> Also, depending on your OS, 1GB is not very much memory for such a 
> large number of users.
> See also:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/best-practices.html#lean_m
> ean
> JMeter distributed mode (client-server) is unlikely to help here, as 
> the JMeter client and network are likely to become a bottle-neck.
>>  Thanking you in Advance .
>>  Thanking you .
>>  With warm regards.,
>> Vijayakumar.C
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