you can have a regular expression in an assertion. You can also have a
jmeter variable like ${something} as part of the expression/assertion
If you can pose a snippet of your response text perhaps someone can help you
out with the regex here. In addition you can google for any online regex
tester which can help you try out your regex's


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Mark Stephen S. Florencio <> wrote:

> Good day,
> I am sorry that I cannot figure out how to write the syntax/ what reg ex to
> put on the Response Assertion  of the things I need.
> Here is the situation, I am reading things from a CSV using the CSV Data
> Set Config. I will be  using them in a sampler to update things in the
> database. Then part of the test is confirmation of the updated values. So I
> have a sampler that goes to a page that displays the values. So logically
> need to place a Response Assertion on that sampler. But I am stuck on the
> reg ex.
> Is it possible to have a Jmeter variable in the reg expression? like
> ${something}?
> As far as I understand it is not possible right?
> I do not know Perl and reg ex really is hard for me. It is a good thing
> that some examples in the blogs and Wiki serve my purposes but with this I
> am stuck.
> Thanks in advance!
> Stephen Florencio
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