The main reason is performance, because if you set this parameters to
the same value it keeps the JVM from allocating and de-allocating
memory and reduce the memory allocation overhead, from the begining
JVM know how much memory should use. Of course you have to know how
many memory application need, if the Xmx/Xms are too low you will see
many GC or even OutOfMemoryError on the other hand if the Xmx/Xms are
to high then you wast the memory and GC pauses can be long.


2009/9/30 Mark Rotteveel <>:
> sebb wrote:
>> On 30/09/2009, Jakub Białek <> wrote:
>>> set Xmx and Xms to -Xmx768m -Xms768m
>> Good advice.
>> Note that the default setting for JMeter 2.3.4 is actually
>>   -Xms512m -Xmx512m
>> Setting it lower is almost bound to cause memory problems - why did you do
>> that?
> Is there any specific reason to set Xms and Xmx to the same value, in my
> experience this will prevent the newer Java versions (5 and 6) from
> optimizing their garbage collection behaviour. There for it is usually
> advisable to use a lower value for Xms.
> --
> Mark Rotteveel <>
> Pluton IT
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