Perhaps there is a workaround for this, but I have identified a small flaw
in how JMeter is running threads.

Assume for a second that I have a test where I want to run a 100
simultaneous users through a procedure. I'd like the test to start and
finish running 100 simultaneous threads.

The way JMeter runs threads, it pre-divides the number of iterations among
the 100 threads - so if you are going to run 1000 loops, each thread will
get 1000 iterations to run through.

Normally, you'd think this was OK... Since each thread will do 1000 loops,
on 'average' they will work out to do the same amount of work.

But in practice, threads complete their 1000 loops at different intervals,
so that by the time the test completes - only a few threads were still
running at the very end.

When you are trying to measure performance under load, this skews your
result - because the last few iterations occur with almost none of the
intended load. This means the last few threads execute very quickly compared
to threads operating while under 100 simultaneous requests - so the reported
data shows the last few threads having a significant impact on the overall
performance of the test.

What I need is a test thread group that runs 'n' simultaneous threads from
beginning to end - and runs until 'n' _total_ iterations are complete,
instead of just 'n' per thread. Is there a thread group that works like

Robin D. Wilson
Sr. Director of Web Development
KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc.
VOICE: 512-777-1861

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