The problem is if you have Recycle as true , you never get EOF, if you have
recycle as false then the inner CSV doesnt "reset" itself (which is what you
expect for this loop to work)

as far as I remember you could
a) add a dummy row at the end of the CSV that you set a flag on and used
that in the comparison
b) Interact with JMeter api's to reset the CVS data set config.
c) Pre process your CSV file so that you dont need the nesting


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Bruce Wobbe <> wrote:

> I have a nested while loo controller p in jmeter. It's 3 levels deep. Each
> level has it's own config csv So it looks something like this
> While( File1 !- EOF)
>    While (file2 != EOF)
>         While(file3 != EOF)
>              HTPRequest
> The most inner loop will run with data from the first entry of file 1 and
> the first entry of file 2 and all entries of file 3 . However the test ends
> after one loop through the most inner loop or continuously on if I choose
> Recycle on EOF for the inner loop. The outer loops never loop. If I have 3
> entries in each file , instead of there being 27 calls to HTPRequest, I get
> 3
> Are nested while loops not supported in this fashion?
> Thanks
> Bruce

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