Hi Joseph,

Can you give an URL to your wiki so that I can check myself ?

I have uploaded the latest version of JmolExtension.php on the Jmol Wiki:

At the end of the mail, I have put a stripped version of my LocalSettings.php file.
You can compare it with your own (for example, do you use MemCached ?)

If I have new ideas before monday, I will try to implement them.
Have a nice weekend



Regarding updating the argument list for onBeforePageDisplay() to be just &$out -- PHP was satisfied but otherwise no change.

Regarding your tests -- sorry I didn't include mention of purge tests from my end.  But yes, our results matched: edit/preview ok, normal/live nok, purge ok.

Now regarding your latest suggestion regarding disableCache() in wfJmolRender(), it's no dice on my end.  I tried it together with our earlier edits up to and including above, and then I tried inserting the $wgParser->disableCache(); statement into a stock JmolExtension.php -- the results were the same (live nok).

That includes Firefox and IE7 with empty local caches, and after using the purge mode to clear MediaWiki's cache.  Touching or otherwise updating MediaWiki's LocalSettings.php also forces MediaWiki to clear its cache, and I did so -- still nok on the live page.  I was beginning to think this was a cache issue within MediaWiki and we could work around it with suitable tweaks to LocalSettings.php, now I don't know.

All the test pages on wiki.jmol.org do work for me -- I think before today only the uploaded XYZ example worked properly, now all three upload examples work, as does the "Inlined CML File" example.

FYI, I'm heading home for the day and won't be able to revisit this until Monday.  Thanks for your attention and suggestions today,



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