If you don't mind digging through a bit of code, all applet tags are 
handled by a single function:


There is a comment at the top that purports to list them all; this may 
or may not be fully inclusive. A quick check down that code for 
"getValue" and "getBooleanValue" suggests that list is NOT complete, 
which is my fault. I see:

// very common options:

  getValue("script", "")
  getValue("load", null)
  getValue("loadInline", null)

// less common options:

  getBooleanValue("doTranslate", true)   // force language translation 
  getBooleanValue("popupMenu", true)
  getBooleanValue("debug", false)
  getValue("logLevel", "")
  getValueLowerCase("emulate", "jmol")

// callbacks:

  getValue("AnimFrameCallback", null)
  getValue("LoadStructCallback", null)
  getValue("MessageCallback", null)
  getValue("PickCallback", null)
  getValue("ResizeCallback", null)
  getValue("HoverCallback", null)

// minimally valuable; handled by Jmol.js:

  getBooleanValue("progressbar", false)
  getValue("boxbgcolor", "black")
  getValue("bgcolor", bgcolor)

// undocumented:

  getValue("JmolAppletProxy", null)
  getValue("loadNodeId", null)
  getValue("StatusForm", null)
  getValue("StatusText", null)
  getValue("StatusTextarea", null)

These last few are completely undocumented, which probably means someone 
was experimenting and never brought the idea to closure.


<param  name="JmolAppletProxy" value="X">

A URL to a server-side utility of the form "X?url=....." that has been 
set up on your server to act as a proxy and relay models from other 
hosts. For example,

  <param  name="JmolAppletProxy" value="getModel.cfm">

might call the ColdFusion macro:

<cfhttp url=URL.url></cfhttp><cfoutput>#cfhttp.fileContent#</cfoutput>

Of course, this parameter is unnecessary -- you can just load the full 
URL to your server program directly with a Jmol script command:

 load "myHack.cfm?url=http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1crn.pdb";

All this parameter does is allow you do use:

 load "http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1crn.pdb";

and let Jmol handle the adding of "myHack.cfm?url=" to the filename.


<param name="loadNodeId" value="molecule1">

Attempts to load the model from the page DOM (document object model) 
element with "id=molecule1" rather than a string or file. I think this 
may be a problem for pages that are "true" XML -- As I recall there is 
no document element in that case; but I could be wrong there. It was 
investigated by one developer and not completely worked out.


<param name="statusForm" value="form1">
<param name="statusText" value="text1">
<param name="statusTextArea" value="textarea1">

These define page document elements with the specified names (<form 
name="form1">....), that status messages will be sent to automatically. 
Messages to "statusText" replace the text there; messages to 
"statusTextArea" get appended. I was experimenting with these when we 
were trying out applet polling, but it's probably smarter just to use 
the message callbacks and handle this sort of thing yourself.

I think that's all of them.


Angel Herraez wrote:

>Douglas, I don't think this is documented. You can have a glimpse by 
>looking at the code in Jmol.js.
>>Where can I find info about each of the params available when using 
>>the applet (as an applet tag - not using javascript)? Thanks. 
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Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get. 

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

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