Hi, i want to report a possible bug:

When I load e.g. a benzene molecule (like attached benzene.xyz) and then submit the following command on the Jmol-Console:

connect (_carbon and within(1.6, {0 0 0})) aromatic modify;
or even only:
select carbon and within(1.6, {0 0 0});

Jmol hangs immediately and I can't rotate the molecule anymore.
There's even no output on the Java Console. Only Jmol-Console sometimes reports a "pending" (as far I can see only in case of the Applet).

tested with:
* Jmol Applet and Application Versions 11.3.31 & 11.3.38
  and Applet 11.3.39_dev (2007-10-18 22:28) on
  with the C6H6.smol from the server.
* Windows XP SP2
* Java 1.6.0_03 and 1.5.0_13 (only Application 11.3.38)
* Firefox 2 in case of applets

Oliver Stueker
| University of Paderborn     | Office: J6.302                     |
| Faculty of Science          |  phone: +49 (5251) 60-2498         |
| Department of Chemistry     |    fax: +49 (5251) 60-3245         |
| Warburger Str. 100          |                                    |
| D-33098 Paderborn - Germany |    WWW: http://oc24.upb.de/~revilo |

Attachment: benzene.xyz
Description: Xmol XYZ data

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