I'd like to keep this discussion going, so here is a little bit more, 
picking up on the possibilities to have Jmol supported in Wikipedia 
and other Wikis:

On 30 Nov 2008 22:53, Nicolas Vervelle wrote:
> On the matter of security issues, there are at least 2 things to do :
> *   Being able to entirely deactivate the possibility to let arbitrary 
>     Javascript being called by Jmol. I don't know if there's a way in 
>     Jmol to disable this. There's a need to completely disable the 
>     'javascript' command in Jmol scripts. The problem is demonstrated by 
>     http://wiki.jmol.org:81/index.php/User:Ilmari_Karonen/JS_injection_dem
>     o

Do we still need this? (see below)

> *   Ensuring that the extension doesn't allow for true Javascript 
>     injection (whatever text is entered by someone in the <jmol>tags, 
>     this only creates Jmol applet and Jmol scripts, nothing else). I 
>     think this means ensuring that in the generated page, the text is 
>     always correctly escaped to prevent Javascript injection.

This is implemented in the last update.

> The second problem nees to be treated in the extension. My knowledge 
> on PHP and the security issues is limited (and I don't have much time 
> avaiable), so some help from someone knowing how to deal with the 
> script injection would be very useful.

The way I've implemented it, any script passed to the Extension 
(inside the extension's <script> tag) containing the word 
"javascript" (case-insensitive) will be completely ignored.
I gues it can be done so that only the javascript part is removed and 
the remaining script is preserved, but I don't know so much PHP as to 
do so. And the idea is that users-editors of wiki pages should not 
try at all to use javascript in the wiki pages.

As a side effect, the <text>, <title>, <name>... tags of the 
extension cannot contain the forbidden word either (they are all 
parsed via the same function as script is). Not a big sacrifice.

And on 1 Dec 2008 9:49, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> I am just thinking aloud here. I think there could be a solution to add
> a chaneg to medciawiki itself to have some specific Jmol tags, something
> like:
> <jmolimage> ... </jmolimage>

We already have the <jmol> tag added by the extension. Is there any 
difference intended?

> avoiding all calls to Jmol itself. 

I don't quite understand. There is no call to Jmol until the 
extension inserts the Jmol code. And by using <jmolAppletButton>
or <jmolAppletLink>  one avoids Jmol to be loaded until the visitor 
requests it.

> The parameters for jmolimage would
> give everything that was needed, method, file names, etc. Mediawiki
> itself would then be doing any chaecks that were needed. It would also
> be easier for wikipedia editors and I suspect the wikipedia techs would
> prefer this solution. Is this worth following up? I do not know
> mediawiki and could be just talking nonsense.

I think it is the JmolMediaWiki Extension that must do all this 
anyway, not the generic MediaWiki software. And it is doing so 
already, by using the different sub-tags of the <jmol> tag. Do you 
envisage any differences, Brian? Please ellaborate on that.

The configuration in the server (LocalSettings.php) may block the use 
of external URLs for models, or of uploaded files,  may block or 
impose the use of signed applet. The rest of the task in inside the 

> Another advantage of this approach is that wikipedia could limit the
> mehtods available and perhaps limit them to file upload only. 

Already possible (see above).

> The
> mediawiki code would need changing anyway to allow use of Jmol files on
> Commons as well as wikipedia. 

This needs further work, but is related to the above config. 

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