> I suspect this would be easier for users and could likely be made more
> secure. However, I have no idea how this would be implemented. The
> mediawiki language seems to aim to remove as much direct html use as
> possible.

Our students use Jmol Mediawiki extensively. We have come up against  
the lack of a proper XML validator in mediawiki, which means that the  
more "XML" one asks the students to insert, the greater the chance of   
XML errors.  I am increasingly having to cope with  the student's work  
disappearing,  to be replaced by a bald  XMR error message instead.   
Gaining access to the history file to revert is also not entirely  
trivial. One can imagine what would happen if Wikipedia pages started  
to vanish in a similar manner (and of course, it could be done  
maliciously as well as accidentally).  Does Wikipedia have a bot that  
can automatically undo these sorts of errors (the XML corruption is  
often such that repair is out of the question)?

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