>It's not clear to me if many publishers yet have a coherent strategy
>regarding interactive figures.

I have had around  five publishers accept the concept of  Jmol-enhanced 
interactive figures (the latest being Science). However, it has to be said that 
the first publisher to do so (about 4 years ago), subsequently re-factored 
their journal production system, and in the process all the existing figures 
broke (it took more than a month to reactivate them).  Another two publishers 
have refused to accept such interactive figures, citing incompatibilities with 
their own journal production systems (I will not go into details, but its an 
interesting story). So long term stability certainly is a factor in the 

About 3D PDF,  it is generally accepted that the  regular form of  PDF is a 
very poor medium for preserving <<data>>, and there is no reason to suppose 
that the 3D version has solved those issues

>PDF will again appeal because it offers a
>single approach across different domains. Jmol is superb at molecular and
>crystal structure visualizations, but of limited applicability elsewhere
>(though the discussions about generalising it within the SAGE community
>are interesting and relevant); and general scientific publishers may be
>nervous about the prospect of having to support an ever-growing range of
>software applicationss for different disciplines.

I do not believe that the publishers regard Jmol as  "supported", but of course 
it has to be acknowledged that  Jmol depends on  underlying  Java,  and its 
difficult to see how  that might have a future mapped in decades rather than 
years. I presume however that it would not be difficult to reparse the  Jmol 
syntax into new forms if the underlying data is readily identified. Again, its 
doubtful that 3D PDF could be refactored in such a way.

+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); FOAF: http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/rzepa.xrdf
 Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  2AZ, UK.

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