Otis Rothenberger wrote:
> Bob,
> This is the cat's meow. Thanks for the help. I'm still stuck with a 
> server side approach (AJAX very frustrating!), but the "Jmol load 
> completed" approach seems to work. Cholestane is below. What a slick 
> way to communicate 3D models via email:
> http://chemagic.com/web_molecules/script_page_large.aspx?smiles=...@h]%28cccc%28c%29c%29[c@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]1%28c...@h]3[c@H]2CCC4[C@@]3%28CCCC4%29C%29C
> For the JME applet on our page, I'm now using a choice of two load 
> links - jmeFile or smiles.
> I'm interested in how the above link works on Mac. Also, note that the 
> jmol javascript command does not work with Windows MSIE 8, so the 
> above link does not work on MSIE. On this problem, MSIE ignores the 
> following from the console:
In thunderbird 2.0 (on a mac) the link isn't recognised as one (stops at 
the first [ character) but if I copy the whole thing and paste it into 
FF 3.6 (or safari 4.0) it works just fine.

You do appear to have misspelled your last name on the page though. :-)



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