Hello Pshemak 

> Consider NaCl crystal structure. I have a specific Na+ in mind. Let's 
> say @6. Now, I want to select all chlorides that are within 6 A of that 
> specific Na+.  How could I do that?

select _Cl and within(6.0, atomNo=6);
select _Cl & within(6.0, @6); //same but shorter

you might need braces {} around the atom expression

> If I want to do the same, but select  all chlorides that are more than 6 
> but less than 12 A away from the sodium cation (@6), what would be the 
> command for a case like that?

select _Cl & within(12.0, @6) & ! within(6.0, @6) ;

> Finally, can the selected groups of atom (ions) be given a name (ID) so 
> they could be referred to without repeating the selection criteria?

Yes, two ways: using the "define" command or using a JmolScript variable

define myAtomSet  _Cl and within(6.0, atomNo=6);
select myAtomSet;

I'm never sure with the variables, but something like
var myAtomSet = _Cl and within(6.0, atomNo=6);
 (you may or not need the "var" part)
select @myAtomSet;

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