On 08/20/2013 04:20 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> Hmm. Shouldn't work that way. ROTATE BEST initializes with a "restore
> orientation" (or, at least it effectively does that, because it multiplies
> in the inverse of the current rotation quaternion).
> What was the exact sequence of commands you used there? As far as I know,
> the only way it can give a different rotation is
> a) if you change the set of selected atoms, or
> b) if you change the atom positions themselves.
> I could be wrong, but the algorithm must give the same quaternion result
> every time if it is using the same positions. Don't think I had a fixed bug
> regarding that, but in any case, use
> http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/zip/jmol-13.3.4_2013.08.20.zip for testing,
> please.
Unfortunately I have a problem with the Jmol console (see below) so that 
I cannot just paste the exact sequence. But it is more or less 
reproducible, also with Jmol.jar from the ZIP file above. I did for 
example this:

1) load =108L; select not water
2) rotate best [results in first orientation]
3) select sheet
4) rotate with the mouse
5) select not water
6) rotate best [results (often) in a different orientation]

Step 4 and 5 might also be inverted.

The problem with the console is really weird. If the mouse gets to the 
yellow frame around it, the console moves away from it (down left or 
right). It is impossible to move the mouse into it.
After reloading the page it was first normal again. But after dragging 
the console around with the mouse the same weird behaviour was back.



Rolf Huehne

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