I'm guessing  it will be January 14:


As I understand it, all applets must be updated. "signed" or not -- all
must be signed, and local file reading now requires the JNLP files as well
in the directory of the JAR files. (Note that these JNLP files allow the
applet to be started outside a browser as well.)

In addition, recent versions of JSmol JavaScript libraries are required,
and if you are using the older Jmol.js, library that needs to be updated
(see http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-12/Jmol.js). Or you can
add this line yourself in the _jmolApplet function:

    params.permissions = (archivePath.indexOf("Signed") >= 0 ?
"all-permissions" : "sandbox");

Feels like Y2K all over again!


On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Simone Sturniolo <simonesturni...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Dear Eric,
> I did exactly that with my MagresView. I think it's going to be required
> starting January 2014, so in a few days, but I think Robert will know
> better on the topic of course.
> Simone
> 2013/12/28 Eric Martz <ema...@microbio.umass.edu>
>> When running the unsigned Jmol applet under Java 1.7.0_45, I have
>> seen a red notice that in future, unsigned applets will not be allowed.
>> FirstGlance in Jmol is currently using the unsigned Jmol applet 13.0.15.
>> To avoid having FirstGlance in Jmol stop working in a forthcoming
>> Java update, should I configure it to use only the signed Jmol applet?
>> And would that need to be signed Jmol applet 14.0 in order to be
>> properly signed?
>> Thanks, Eric
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Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

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it is better to take what answer we get.

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