On 1/10/2014 7:13 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
Let's track this down. I've seen this on iPads, and it seems to me it should not be happening.

I believe that happens only in Chrome on windows or in Safari on apple OS (which apparently use the same browser engine).


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Spinney, Richard <rspin...@chemistry.ohio-state.edu <mailto:rspin...@chemistry.ohio-state.edu>> wrote:

    I can help you with #1. The following makes it go away:

    <script type="text/javascript">

                                    Jmol._alertNoBinary = false;

                                    jmolApplet0 =
    Jmol.getApplet("jmolApplet0", Info);



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