This is related to my earlier survey, but I'll start a new chain because I'm making another request for help.

This is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but it's an approach that I THINK is cross browser valid. The page below places models in iFrames using a model template on the ISU server that accepts query string instructions:

I'm passing size, bkg color, and model source, but other things would be possible in the query string. The page is being served by the chemagic server because I want to test cross domain issues. If you capture the source code for the page and place it on your desk top, I THINK the following should be true (with, of course, Internet connectivity):

1) The page should open correctly with double-click.
2) You should be able drag/drop files on your computer into any model window and have it load.

On the latter point, the ISU server, from whence cometh the JSmol on this page, has a version of JSmol where drop/drag works. The CheMagic server has a version where this is broken. This should be irrelevant, but I thought I'd mention it.

One caveat to this approach is that the source inside the frame must use http or https that matches the protocol of the main page. For the ISU server, this is not a problem. It will server whatever protocol is requested. Chemagic uses http, so my src request to ISU is http.

I use the word THINK above because I may be WAY OFF base on the cross browser and platform friendliness of this - hence my request here for testing and advice.

To folks who are wondering why anyone would take this approach, all I can say is that during years of classroom presentation the ability to run double click html files WITH Internet connectivity was important to me - quick last minute editing and ability to carry my presentation on my computer or a stick.

By the way, if I'm correct on cross browser legality of this approach, then there is a legal way to manipulate the model with cross frame commands in spite of the fact that frame and page are cross domain. Changing the url of a frame src with JS from the page is perfectly legal. This new URL can drag Jmol script to the newly loaded model. In fact, with Jmol script's javascript command, you should technically be able to drag JavaScript into the newly loaded frame - again cross domain. I have tested the former (Jmol script) - not the latter (JavaScript).


Otis Rothenberger

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