Hi Rolf

Thanks ... that's exactly what I was hoping to find.


On 6 December 2014 at 18:52, Rolf Huehne <rhue...@fli-leibniz.de> wrote:
> Am 06.12.14 11:39, schrieb darren.rhodes:
>> Hi Eric
>> Thanks for your reply  ... I'll look at Proteopedia.  In the mean time
>> here's some clarification.
>> When I type the following on my command line,
>> jmol MeOH_NMR01b.log &
>> As is common to our shared experience, jmol starts up, the structure
>> found within the file MeOH_NMR.log is appears and it can be
>> interrogated using the tools that ship with jmol.
>> I also have a copy of this file on figshare,
>> http://figshare.com/articles/Methanol_NMR/1262213
>> I want to email Alice and Bob and say to them, "If you put this
>> figshare url into [Proteopedia or somewhere else??] it will return a
>> jmol interface (make sure your java is enabled) and you can
>> interrogate it using all of jmol's functionality."
> Darren, our Jmol/JSmol-based 'Jena3D Viewer'
> (http://jena3d.fli-leibniz.de) offers an upload option to open a local
> file (on the users computer) or a file from a remote URL like you would
> need it.
> As Angel already pointed out you would need to provide the URL of a file
> that JSmol can read.
> So in your example you would write to Alice and Bob:
> "If you put this figshare URL
> (http://files.figshare.com/1825432/MeOH_NMR01b.log) into the upload
> option of the Jena3D Viewer (at http://jena3d.fli-leibniz.de) it will
> return a JSmol interface and you can interrogate it using all of JSmol's
> functionality."
> Loading a URL from a different server than the applet will not work in
> Java because of security restrictions. But in the Javascript version it
> currently works in my tests in the major browsers. Therefore the Jena3D
> Viewer automatically switches to the Javascript version, independent of
> the setting of the viewer type switch.
> Regards,
> Rolf
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