Hi Eric

Thanks for your reply  ... I'll look at Proteopedia.  In the mean time
here's some clarification.

When I type the following on my command line,

jmol MeOH_NMR01b.log &

As is common to our shared experience, jmol starts up, the structure
found within the file MeOH_NMR.log is appears and it can be
interrogated using the tools that ship with jmol.

I also have a copy of this file on figshare,

I want to email Alice and Bob and say to them, "If you put this
figshare url into [Proteopedia or somewhere else??] it will return a
jmol interface (make sure your java is enabled) and you can
interrogate it using all of jmol's functionality."

I hope this is clearer.

Thanks again


ps will report back my investigations with Proteopedia.

On 6 December 2014 at 04:37, Eric Martz <ema...@microbio.umass.edu> wrote:
> Dear Darren,
> I'm not sure that I understand what you want, but you can show any structure
> in JSmol at Proteopedia.org, in a web page that anyone can access. The data
> file(s) can be uploaded to the server and used for that showing, and you can
> put links in the web page that would allow any visitor to download those
> data files.
> Proteopedia use and accounts are free. Proteopedia is the work of Jaime
> Prilusky and Joel Sussman at the Weizmann Institute.
> If you'd like more details or an example, let me know.
> Eric Martz
> (Proteopedia admin and team member)
> On 12/5/14 7:32 PM, darren.rhodes wrote:
> Is there a site where I can post a link to a structure - I'm thinking
> of a GAMESS (US) log file - which would return the jmol object of the
> structure in the file?
> That is, say I want to share a file with a broader audience, rather
> than building and hosting a web page, is there a web page out there
> where I can ask others to post a figshare url which would show the
> structure in jmol?
> Thanks
> Darren.
> Eric Martz, Professor Emeritus, Dept Microbiology
> U Mass, Amherst -- Martz.MolviZ.Org
> Top Five 3D MolVis Tools: Top5.MolviZ.Org
> FirstGlance: 3D Molecules in Nature: FirstGlance.Jmol.Org
> Protein 3D Structure Wiki: Proteopedia.Org
> Education: Biochem in 3D at MolviZ.Org
> Find Functional Patches in Proteins: ConSurf
> Atlas of Macromolecules: Atlas.MolviZ.Org
> Interactive Molecules in Architectural Spaces: MolecularPlayground.Org
> Workshops: Workshops.MolviZ.Org
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