Thanks, Rolf. The trick was to carry over the key modifications in the drag
operation from what was down when the mouse was pressed. I did have a note
to myself indicating that Mac OS (and I guess also Linux) are different
from Windows in that regard, failing to indicate the actual key status in
the drag event. It's clearly a bug in Java on those systems. The bonus is
that once you press the mouse, you don't have to continue holding all those
keys down. :)

I don't know why it is so hard for me to get a clean build. This always
means that the Jar file is corrupted. I tend to do a not totally clean
build for these quick releases because it is so much faster. I probably
should not do that. But, oddly enough, Monomer.getStructure() has *never*
existed. Though called from Monomer, it is present only in super- and
sub-classes of Monomer. That Jmol.jar file and, I guess, the applet Jar
file are both corrupted.

I'll have a new file out later today.

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