On 31/12/15 13:46, Nicolas Vervelle wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I'm probably the one who deployed the old version a long time ago (or
> Bob, not sure).
> I'm currently way too busy on various matters to keep doing releases for
> Jmol.
> I think having a volunteer to deal with releases on Maven central would
> be very helpful. Anyone interested ?
> There are some ant scripts in Jmol source code to deploy there, but they
> haven't been used in a very long time.
> So, first thing would be to check if they still work correctly (probably
> by testing snapshots releases), and then try to find which SVN revision
> should be deployed as a given version.
> Nico

Dear Nico,

Apologies for the delay in responding. Thank you for the reply and 
useful information. Egon (offlist) mentioned a script at:


which I assume is the one that you refer to.

I have had experience deploying Maven projects to maven 
central(http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|oscar4  and 
http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|fortranformat ), however I think I 
can probably grok how the script above works within an ant context.

I'm happy to try to deploy this, but there is an issue. In order to 
deploy to Maven central with GroupId net.sourceforge.jmol, I will 
probably need some authorisation from the Maven central admin peeps. 
IIRC the person who originally deployed these will receive an email 
asking if this is OK.

Secondly, from the tags on the project 
(http://sourceforge.net/p/jmol/code/HEAD/tree/tags/) I cannot ascertain 
which one I should deploy.



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