This update takes care of a few minor bugs and also introduces several
powerful features in relation to polyhedra, unit cells, and SMILES.


new feature: moveto axis [a1-c4]
 -- extends moveto axis a|b|c to all for corners 1|2|3|4
    where 1 is upper left, 2 is upper right, 3 is lower right, and 4 is
lower left
 -- for example, MOVETO AXIS a3
 -- defaults: a==a1, b==b1, c==c4

new feature: axes OFFSET x.x
 -- applies offset of x.x in fractional coordinates in each axis direction
 -- AXES OFFSET -0.1   same as   AXES CENTER {-0.1 -0.1 -0.1/1}

new feature: expanded unitcell() function
 -- adds additional types: "A", "B", "C", "I", "F"
 -- default is the lattice type of the model's space group
 -- not just cubic; "BCC" is converted to "I"
 -- for example:

     load =ams/silicon 15 packed   // Cmca
     draw id "uc" diameter 0.1 unitcell mesh nofill color black
     unitcell @{unitcell("primitive")}
     color unitcell red
     unitcell 0.1
     axes unitcell
     axes on

new feature: expanded UNITCELL command to include PRIMITIVE option for any
space group

new feature: show smiles/NCI  aka  show smiles/CACTVS  aka show

 -- generates nonaromatic SMILES and sends that to NCI for canonicalization

bug fix: SMILES matcher not allowing azulene to be aromatic

bug fix: OpenSMILES matcher not allowing non-chemist Hueckel 4+2

bug fix: SMILES generator not adding "-" for biphenyl Ar-Ar bond

bug fix: set picking invertSTEREO  does not work on open-ring systems

bug fix: SMARTS [R] matching all atoms

bug fix: dashed lines not visible in measurements, unit cells, and axes

bug fix: axes 0.01  produces thick 20-pixel-wide lines
 -- solution was to drop that to 0.001 for this effect

bug fix: Polyhedra with verticies that are also centers of polyhedra for
atoms that were visible
         but are no longer visible do not update screen positions properly

Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

-- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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