
For the past year, I have working to make the model kit self contained. To do 
this, I am detecting 3 states:

1) On-line and served.
2) On-line and local.
3) Local only.

The code automatically detects these states and does 3 things (item numbers 
below ref above item numbers):

1) Good to go - have fun.

2) Good to go - have fun.

3) Shift to alternate approach or put up off-line notice - e.g. 2D JME to 3D 
Jmol auto switches to direct Jmol load of JME (no notice) OR PubChem contact 
attempt (off line notice).

My plan is to give this all to Delmar at BCCE for ChemWiki. Local running is 
also a component of my BCCE presentation. My plan all along was to give this 
thing to folks who want it, so that fits in well with your suggested approach.


Otis Rothenberger

> On Jun 28, 2016, at 9:00 AM, Robert Hanson <> wrote:
> Jmol page developers,
> Today I am giving a workshop on the use of Jmol in general and inorganic 
> chemistry. Tomorrow the subject is organic chemistry, and Thursday it is 
> physical chemistry. These workshops are at the Universidad Mayor San Simón, 
> in Cochabama, Bolivia. Please feel free to come and help me out!
> While there is widespread fast internet in Bolivia, there are certainly times 
> and places where it is not available. (One of those places is an auditorium 
> where I am giving another presentation tomorrow.)
> I have an idea that will change the way Jmol is used in many parts of the 
> world. It will open up opportunities for millions of students and thousands 
> of professors and high-school teachers to use Jmol. It's simple. I'm not sure 
> exactly what to call it, but for now I am calling it "Jmol Unplugged". Here 
> is the idea:
> Somewhere - possibly SourceForge - we create a site where people can upload 
> fully contained web site "packages" that amount to stand-alone web 
> applications. For example, I just created this directory:
> <>
> where we find
> <>
> <>
> These are the fully-contained fully operational JavaScript versions of 
> <> 
> <> 
> They can be downloaded to a laptop and -- provided the browser is set up for 
> local file reading -- they will run totally disconnected from the web.
> The conditions for curation would be something like this:
> 1)  For the most part the site must work without an internet connection. It 
> would be fine if it still has a few links to external pages that are not 
> critical to the function of the site. But the primary function of the site 
> would have to be self-contained. That means no use of NCI Resolver, PubChem, 
> or RCSB, for example.
> 2) The site is JavaScript only. Or, at least it is either Java-only or 
> JS-only, and if it is Java only, that is clearly indicated in its file name. 
> 3) The contributor understands that they are giving away their site. Someone 
> can now take it, change it, put it up somewhere on their own. Whatever. Maybe 
> there's a licensing agreement that has to be worked out. I don't know.
> Obviously we would  need some sort of introductory page with descriptions of 
> the site packages. I think that would be a Wiki -- maybe even Wikipedia? Not 
> sure about that. 
> We would have to think about whether we want to have these totally 
> self-contained, with the  j2s directory, or not. My inclination is that we DO 
> have them contain the j2s directory so that no changes to Jmol affect the 
> site. But there might be other options there. I don't want to make this more 
> complicated than it has to be.
> I think there's a publication in this for anyone who wants to help organize 
> it and get it off the ground. It will take some effort to standardize it, 
> figure it out, and curate it.
> Right now I am asking for anyone who wants to contribute their work to send 
> me a link to a zip file that, when opened, contains your site and fits these 
> criteria. 
> If you would let me use your site in my workshops and put them up temporarily 
> at <>, send me a link today.
> Thank you!
> Bob
> -- 
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> <>
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get. 
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
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