It's a very odd use of the word "canonical." I'm surprised you came away
with that understanding, because the fact that it is the way I describe is
well documented and very important.

InChI is truly canonical, mostly because there is exactly one
program/algorithm in the world that can create it. Now that that is
available in JavaScript (and is in the JSmol distribution -- see or in your jsmol folder of
the distribution) there is no need for any server-side business for many

InChI keys are just hashes of InChIs. I guess there is some possibility
that they are not unique (two molecules can have the same hash code, just
as any two ASCII strings can). For your purposes those would work as well.

I have not experimented with making hashes from inchi.js, but I am sure it
is possible. It's a very simple process once you have the InChI key.


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