Otis and Dean,

I just tested NaCl in JSmol (JavaSript) on a rather old version (14.4.1). Surprise: it works as intended (no freezing).

I will do more testing.

Otis, I will send you the cif files to your address (list does not allow attachments).



On 4/10/2017 1:49 PM, Otis Rothenberger wrote:
Dean and Pshemak,

First, OK I'm a believer. The command "display unitcell" is real, and it's neat. It cuts off all of the exterior atoms (to unit cell). That's good to know.

On the desktop app issue, I think I was one of the early users to say good-bye to Java. I'm a small molecule guy, and Bob saved me with JSmol. As a small molecule guy, I can get away with my no-Java approach.

Unfortunately, I can't be of much help with Java app questions.

On your final question, can you send me (point me to) the CIF file? I'm assuming from the context of this question that this is the JSmol version. Is that correct?


Otis Rothenberger
o...@chemagic.org <mailto:o...@chemagic.org>

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