At 06:22 PM 12/14/2004, Dave Rolsky wrote:
On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Brad Greenlee wrote:

Heh. Maybe a typist is on a lower pay grade than a programmer.

From contemporary posting history it's hard to believe there /are lower pay scales than programmers nowadays.

I also thought this was funny: "If you can't write HTML without an editor, this is not for you."

So I guess that pretty much limits you to using "cat >"?

You wuss. You're supposed to use Perl one-liners using pack() to generate individual characters!

Hey, anyone remember "Real Programmers Don't Eat Quiche"?

My favorite - being an old assembly lang pgmr was

-- real programmers don't code in assembler or any other high level language. they program right on the bare metal.


Marty Landman, Face 2 Interface Inc. 845-679-9387 Search & Sort Easily: Web Installed Formmail:

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