On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Marty Landman wrote:

The subject is from a jobs posting I just saw. Am I the only one that doesn't get what a

Junior Perl/Mod_Perl/Java *Typist* is?


Marty Landman, Face 2 Interface Inc. 845-679-9387 Search & Sort Easily: http://face2interface.com/Products/FormATable.shtml Web Installed Formmail: http://face2interface.com/formINSTal

Easy. I think it would be a person who is writing accessor methods, connecting web forms based on some sort of evil over-planned monstrosity. In blue collar jobs they refer to this person as a "grunt." Teams with a flat-ish organizational structure don't usually have a comparable position. But sometimes they just outsource it, or if they have no self respect they hire "temps." If they do have self respect, they hire consultants, but at least then they have well paid grunts and they don't have to feel bad. After all the poor people taking these positions usually had dreams of being a programmer.

Paris Sinclair

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