An italian enters his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his

regular table he noticed a gorgeous woman sitting at a table
alone.  he calls the waiter over and orders the most expensive bottle of

merlot to be sent over to her - knowing that if she accepts the bottle
is his.
The waiter carries out the instruction and sends it over to the girl,
informing her that it is from the gentleman over there.she looks at the
wine and decides to send a note. the note read:" for me to accept this
bottle, you need to have a mercedes benz, a million dollars in the bank
7 inches in your pants.
After reading the note he  writes a note in reply. the note read:"just
you know - i happen to have a ferrari testa rossa, a bmw 850 and a
in my garage, plus i have 20 million dollars in the bank. but, not even
a woman as beautiful as you, would i cut of 3 inches. just send the
back thank you.

  Iliana Misheva - Marketing Manager
  Sirma Solutions - Software Development for the E-World
  North American Office:  438 Isabey Street, Suite 103 Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H4T 1V3
  Tel: +1-514-343-0290; Fax: +1-514-343-0143
  European Office: 38A, Christo Botev Blvd. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  Tel: +359-2-981-00-18; Fax: +359-2-981-90-58

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