At 12:42 AM 8/29/01 +0100, colin wrote:
>Just saw this film on video. it was made 99 but only just released here
>on video.
>Recently some people were discussing Harold and Maude. Well Bud Cort was
>in this film-tubby and bald and about 60ish.
>It also starrred RuPaul Charles and Cathy Moriarty.
>The gist: teenage girl, daughter of Xtian parents. (Bud Cort and Mink
>Stole(!) ). Teenage Girl gets sent to a rehab for gays cos parents think
>she is a lesbian.
>The reuslt: funny film with plenty of 'hits'i.e education. Trouble is
>those who need educating won't watch it!

Natascha Lyonne was great in this.  Clea Duvall also.
last good movie seen- 'The Deep End' with Tilda Swinton.

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