Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 20:24:01 -0500
From: "Sharon L. Buffington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Marianne:

Thank you so much for your very generous offer to support Jonifest by
buying raffle tickets.  I became the raffle princess because I wanted to
help our sweet and generous Ashara lighten her load a bit.  But I sorta
fucked it up.

I am really nervous to tell all of you this but ...when I announced the
raffle, I should have sent it to the Yahoo site where those attending
the fest receive messages.  Instead, I sent the raffle notice to festers
AND non-festers.  The raffle idea did not take on a life of its own
until very close to the fest and by then there was no time to really
organize it except for fest goers.  More importantly, Ashara would have
to take care of all the checks and then mail prizes out if a non-fester
won the prize and that woman has toooooo much to do already.  So this
year the Raffle is limited to festers.  BUT

If you and any others send checks to Jim Johanson for $10.00 or more,
you are guaranteed to be sent a very special gift in the giveaway.
(Ashara swears it is soooo fabulous). Not only are you guaranteed a nice
gift but you help keep this site up and running.  None of us want to
lose this site and it costs money for Jim to do this for all of us.  So
if you could see it in your hearts to make out those checks directly to
Jim and mail them to Ashara it would be a most gracious thing to do.

So chef... Please accept my apologies for getting things
confused.  You know, you try to get a lawyer to do things and we just
fuck things up.  LOL  But I hope you will send your hard earned money to
Jim.  After all, the raffle money was going to be donated to Jim for our
site anyway.


marianne marianne wrote:
 > Hello to all the beautiful and great people on the JMDL.

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