Brian Gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (while typing this, it occurred to me that if Stan were still alive, he
> would likely be among our numbers here, part of the family. ~~~)
> brei
Thanks for posting the lyrics - I found this in an
1978 interview with Stan by DJ, John McLaughlin,
at Mariposa
> Stan: "So Blue" was written on the Ocean Limited,
> between Montreal and Halifax - we set it up as a
> sort of take-off on Joni Mitchell with Tom Scott's LA
> Express -
> John: Oh gawd! -
> Stan: That kind of thing seemed to suggest itself on
> the train - and there's a line in there, "I want to listen to
> Joni Mitchell on the radio and make love.."
> John: To Joni Mitchell?
> Stan: Oh, no, no no!
> John: Sorry. Sorry, Mrs. Rogers (Stan's wife, sitting near
> us, joins in the laughter).
PaulC (Oh, no, no no! - Yes!)
PS. Whilst I'd heard of Stan (and his brother Garnet), it
wasn't until recently, when staying with friends of a friend
in Winnipeg earlier this year, that I first heard any of his
recordings. One evening, during my stay, my hosts invited
a whole load of their friends round for a music party/session -
seems I was the only person in the room who didn't know
the words to "Barrett's Privateers"!!
PPS. I see, in the same interview, that Stan was a big
fan of the Paul Brady & Andy Irvine album (one of my all
time favourites too) and said, "My brother and I have a
duet guitar version of "Arthur McBride" from that album
all worked out." Did they ever record this, do you know?